What about the boat show!


Active member
Dec 4, 2003
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Doesn't anyone care anymore? I for one am going to see things I cannot afford, its dream time!
i go...not to just look at potential future used boat (although each year there seems to be less and less boats on display)...but rather to see the boating related side booths.

Heading over tonight for a couple of hours.
We’re not getting back from Hawaii until Sunday so we’ll have to miss it. Kind of $ucks because we really do look forward to it every year..
So I am boat less, 1 season now, I got the itch, but must say I want brand new. Little boat, 34, 36 or so. Looking hard at used, inventory sucks. I think I want outboards, although diesel with stern drives intrigue me volvo.

Originally posted by walterv

So I am boat less, 1 season now, I got the itch, but must say I want brand new. Little boat, 34, 36 or so. Looking hard at used, inventory sucks. I think I want outboards, although diesel with stern drives intrigue me volvo.

If staying on the southshore i would think outboards or stern drives is the only choice, Just saying
Went Saturday, it was a pretty good show, it looked like they wanted to hide the prices, they were hard to find and I could see why, these boats cost more than alot of houses! Funny how these boats don't look as fabulous in the water as they do on the show room floor....it nice to dream!
I went to the '93 NYC boat show & left $143K poorer. Bought my 37' Silverton Convertable there. That boat today is ~ $345K & it's 37'LOA. Mine was 37' LWL. So what are they getting? Maybe a 33' living area ??

I agree that it is possible to buy such a vessel will never work, but you can always rent it
Are new boats as hard to get as new cars these days?
The last time I went to the NY boat show; it cost me $143K for my 37' Silverton convertible. The biggest mistake I ever made was selling it 3 years ago. Tried buying back from buyer, but that wasn't going to happen !!!!!
it seems to me that the main thing here is to understand that if you want something, then you have every chance to get it
Doesn't anyone care anymore? I for one am going to see things I cannot afford, its dream time!
You don’t need to afford anything just tell Eddie you want a new boat and he’ll take care of it like he always does no need to go to the boat show go to the Harley dealership tell Eddie get me a new boat that’s all
it seems to me that the main thing here is to understand that if you want something, then you have every chance to get it
It seems to me that the main thing here is to understand that if you want something, then you have every chance to get it. I don't know how much other people understand this, but for some reason, I have known since childhood that there are no special people who have some incredible gift to do everything right and make significant decisions. I have always dreamed of owning my yacht and a house on the seashore, which I strive for to this day. I've already bought a house, but I haven't saved up for a yacht yet. So I just rent it, sometimes support my childhood dream, and remind myself why I'm trying so hard. I rent a boat from the guys from vistayachts.com since I like their service and the way they communicate with their customers
You don’t need to afford anything just tell Eddie you want a new boat and he’ll take care of it like he always does no need to go to the boat show go to the Harley dealership tell Eddie get me a new boat that’s all
I wanna be independent!
I have always loved and still enjoy visiting yacht and boat shows to see the new models and dream about owning a bigger boat than I currently have. I found a way to diversify my choice of boats without buying them—by renting yachts in Miami and trying out different ones that way.
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